Established in 1875
The Community United Methodist Church has it’s roots as part of the Walker River Circuit of the Nevada Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church. When it was first established, this church served Mason Valley, Pine Grove, Smith Valley, Rop Ranch, Wilson Ranch and Antelope Valley. The first services in Mason Valley were held in 1866 with three members. This church was established in 1875 and Rev. M.W. Pratt received William Wilson and Mrs. M. Prichard into full membership on December 25, 1875. In 1879, Pastor J.L. Ladd recorded the following notation in the membership book:
“The Nevada Conference of September 1879 divided the work known as the Walker River Circuit so as to unite Antelope Valley with Bridgeport as a circuit, and Mason’s Valley and Pine Grove as a circuit. The records in this book, after the above date are based on said division and pertain to the Mason Valley and Pine Grove Circuit.”
God has truly blessed this church and we are confident that the future will be even greater.

Pastor Cindy
I have been married for 37 years to my husband Mike. We have one daughter, Claire, who lives with her husband Bristol in Reno.
I felt the call to ministry in high school. Church was my home, my place of comfort and belonging. As a young person, leader of conference young adult ministries and mentored as a member of SPRC by a gracious chair. Yet I followed other paths: jewelry store manager, parent, retail merchandiser, caregiver for our parents, church office administrator and currently accountant.
Faith community has continually been a vital part of my life. As a young parent helping to organize a young mother’s group or just happy to share some baby holding time while I was free to do dishes to finding myself chair of SPRC. As a church administrator, I worked with two CPA’s and rediscovered the finance skills I studied in college. It also led to a time serving on the Finance Committee. This led me to finding my current employer – working for a CPA firm. In each of these places I ask the question, “What does God want me to learn/do here?”
Last year I was certified as a local pastor appointed to Susanville UMC. It is a most humbling and awesome experience to pastor a church. As we move forward together in ministry, I am excited about how God will work amongst us, the people here at Yerington Community UMC living together building kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
We are followers of Christ, brought together by his grace; proclaiming faith, hope and love to others.
Normal Schedule
Sunday: 11am – Church Service
First Sunday: 11 am – Communion Service
12:30pm – “I Am Still Here” meeting at El Superior for those who have lost a loved one. A group to fellowship, share our stories, and to support one another.
Second Sunday: 12:30pm – Leadership Team Meeting
Last Sunday: 11am – Worship in Song
Tuesday: Noon – Brown Bag Bible Study
Third Wednesday: 10am-1pm God’s Pantry
Friday: 1pm – Craft Group meets
Current Special Schedule
- 2024
- Sermons
- 12-15 Leadership team meeting for this month. 12:30 pm
- 12-24 Christmas Eve lunch, Carols and Candles 12:30 - 2 pm
- 12-24 Happy Birthday Eve - Open Sanctuary with the story, singing, or a cup of cocoa. 5-6 pm
- 1-5-25 Sunday Morning Conversations are beginning at 9:30 am