Special Events

God’s Pantry is a community outreach program sponsored by Community United Methodist Church, 221 N. Main St., Yerington. The Pantry has been in operation since March 2020 offering hygiene and cleaning products to Seniors and families with a need. On the third Wednesday of every month, bolunteers run a drive through pantry where participants can choose 4 items from over 23 different products at no charge to them. Pantry items are also offered to Senior shut-ins through a partnership with Meals on Wheels in Yerington. Each month approximately 100 local households are assisted through this program. Examples of products offered include soaps like body wash, hand soap, shampoo, dish soap, laundry soap; hygiene products like deodorant, toothpaste, denture cleaner, lotion and household products like toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, surface cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner and bleach. These products are all necessary for a healthy life and living environment but generally are not covered by other public assistance programs. God’s Pantry helps fill this gap for many households in our community.
Community folks who would like to take advantage of this service just need to drive into the church parking lot accessed off of Center St. – 222 N. Center St. – between 10am and 1pm on the third Wednesday of the month.
Individuals or organizations can make donations of product or can make monetary donations with the assurance that 100% of all donations go to purchasing products for the benefit of the participants. This is a local program run by local volunteers for the benefit of local folks, most of whom are Seniors. With community help we can continue this program into the future. For more information on how you or your organization can donate or help out, call the church at 775-463-2174 or send a message on our contact page here.

Ash Wednesday, February 14, 1:00 to 2:00PM, Yerington Community United Methodist Church will offer all Christians of our community, of any faith, the opportunity to have the visible sign of the cross in ashes placed on their forehead or hand. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent, the 40 day period before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His resurrection three days later. The ashes are derived from the burnt dried palm leaves from last year's Palm Sunday celebration. As the ashes are placed on our foreheads in the sign of the cross, we recognize our own sinfulness and mortality, and we acknowledge our need of God's mercy. For the Drive-Thru, please enter the church parking lot off of 222 N. Center Street, any time between 1:00PM and 2:00PM. The church is also having an Ash Wednesday service in the church sanctuary at 12 noon. Imposition of ashes will be offered at this service. Everyone is welcome at either the traditional service or the drive-thru. Yerington Community United Methodist church is located at 221 N. Main St. with parking on Main St. or the parking lot off of Center St.

Feast of Thanksgiving/Veterans Day Dinner

Our wonderful young volunteers helping carry food, etc. from the kitchen to the serving line.

Bandanna Breakfast - Rodeo Saturday 8/19/2023
Community United Methodist Church, 221 N. Main St., Yerington, NV would like to invite the community to a free breakfast of pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee on rodeo Saturday, August 19, from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM. We call this our Bandanna Breakfast and free bandannas are given out as long as supply lasts. Donations will be accepted. The church started the Bandanna Breakfast 6 years ago with 2 years off because of the Pandemic. Tables will be set up on the church courtyard lawn. Come enjoy a breakfast with your friends and neighbors prior to the parade. Parking is available in our parking lot accessed from 220 N. Center St. or park on Main Street as long as you move before the parade. All are welcome to view the parade from the church sidewalk on Main St. Community United Methodist Church has been active in service to the Yerington community since 1875, historically the first church in Yerington. Our worship service is Sundays at 11:00 AM. Church office phoe 775-463-2174