God's Pantry
Prayers answered and a vision come true.
Our Leadership Team at Community UMC, Yerington, NV, had been praying for many months that God would give our church a project to hep us reach out to our community. At a meeting in the Fall of 2019, the vision of providing hygiene and cleaning items to those in need came forward. The spark was lit, and the Holy Spirit moved in our hearts and minds. We were sure this was what we should do.
Planning, logistics, advertising began with a start date of March 2020 in mind. Through donation of products and money to purchase products, we planned a monthly event and decided to name it God’s Pantry. Little did we know that COVID 19 would change our delivery plan from an indoor pantry to a parking lot drive through pantry. Clients can pick 3 or 4 items from a list of 23 that includes things like soap, deodorant, shampoo, lotion, hand sanitizer, toothpaste, laundry soap, dish soap, toilet paper, etc.

COVID 19 also increased the need for our services. We started to discuss how we could reach out to seniors who were isolated in their homes and not able to come to the drive through pantry. We contacted the local Senior Center and their Meals on Wheels program manager. That led to a partnership where the Meals on Wheels drivers collect orders and then deliver the orders after they are filled and bagged by God’s Pantry volunteers on Pantry Day.
The community response has been wonderful with an increase in monthly participation from approximately 60 households in March of 2020 to 130 in February 2021. The God’s Pantry project was blessed with a Beulah Fund grant for 2021 which will allow us to be in service to the increased numbers. God has shown us over and over that we should “not trust to our own understanding”, but should put our trust in Him. We started with just a vague vision and no real idea how to accomplish it. God was faithful and gave us a way to share his abundance. We are grateful and happy in His service.
If you are interested in donating or helping with this mission, please indicate your interest on the “send us a message” form on our contact page.

Community Dinners
Over the years, our church has served dinners to the community. Turkey dinner with all the trimmings in November was done for decades. We continue the tradition of serving our community by sharing our table with them. Welcoming folks into our church and sharing a meal with them is a mission that brings great joy!
Currently, we are doing 3 to 4 meals a year. This includes a November Feast of Thanksgiving and a pancake breakfast the third Saturday of August, prior to the Lyon County Fair and Rodeo parade. We call this our Bandana Breakfast.
During the COVID closures, We still provided our meals to the community via drive-thru take-out. Please watch this website (the About page) for dates and times of upcoming events. Everyone is invited to our dinners (and breakfast) and generally there is no cost. We would love to have you at our next event.

Pocket Prayer Quilts
Sometimes we need a reminder that God is just a prayer away. The Pocket Prayer Quilt is a reminder to be mindful of God’s love and grace. If you know someone who is in need of a comforting reminder of God’s love (and that you are praying for them as well), take a square and pass it on. Thank you to our talented quilters who have gifted us with these wonderful prayer reminders.
If you are interested in helping with this mission, please indicate your interest on the “send us a message” form on our contact page.
Operation Christmas Child
In 2005, Yerington United Methodist Church congregation members joined the millions of people all over the world who pack the shoe-box-sized boxes with gifts for children-in-need, ages 2 to 14, in over 150 countries. The program, sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse, has been in place since 1993 and results in evangelism and discipleship when teaching the children the Story of Jesus. This congregation has pledged to continue participation in this successful and noteworthy program in the years ahead.
If you are interested in donating or helping with this mission, please indicate your interest on the “send us a message” form on our contact page.